Thursday, April 12, 2012

the beauty of languages and cultures

I miss being able to speak to my malay friends with fragments of malay words mixed in english. Miss having Sonal around me to train my Hindi hahaha or have hte burmese students around to wish them Happy Thingyan Festival. :)

Been training my berhasa melayu with one of my friends, Z. In fact, we got to know each other through another friend. was jamming with them while back in SG the last time. Fun! its been useful. Given allt eh standard boring things in life now, learning a new language seems like a new way to stimulate my brain in other ways. And besides, knowing as how i will be working in hand with audio people and theatre people in the long run, its a good idea to learn. :) While doing so, it allows me to appreciate the malay race more. Not that I never appreciated them before..but because I dont know them enough, I dont always dare to speak to them...

I miss the intl students..miss their forthcoming nature. miss how they daringly come together to make friends with pple of different backgrounds and by 3 years, are filled with such a rich knowledge of cultures that they are never the same. because of htem, Im never the same too. :)

Today is Thingyan, for the past 2 days, there have been news of earthquakes around Aceh, today is SP Flag Day, so many things today! So mnay things that mean something to me today. My indon students and their families, my burmese students and their celebrations, my intl students and their ISFO family and their safety...

All of that linked to my appreciation of knowing these pple. Its not a place tha makes me love it. Its the people and the culture they establish and maintain that I love. The memories that they give me that I love. :)

Started pasting alot of things on my room wall. 1 side has photos of my grandparents, jesus and my ex-maid (whos like a mum to me), 1 side has allt eh photos I bothered to print out..1 side has glow in the dark stars with postcards the time Im done with this 3 years, my walls will be full of memories...more precious than my facebook wall!

Thank God for the numerous languages and cultures around that make life so colourful!

K back to work... :/

God Bless

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