Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Happy Deepavali to all my indian friends in whichever country you are. :)
Had a nice time last night, walking around with Calista and Surresh. This year's Deepavali was quite uneventful till then. Really wanted to check out the markets this year because it would sort of get me ready for this december's India trip. Sort of.. We all now nothing is remotely like the Real India. :)

Speaking of India, Ive got my visa done, gonna get my vaccination done this weekend. Got a list made up on what to bring etc and of course flight tickets booked. :) excited and scared

Since the last I wrote, Ive sort of been buried in abit of stress at work. Thankfully the rock climbing, kayaking and swimming has helped with that. :) Yes I have been more active. I think a part of me is conscious of my lack of activity and that I should keep trying new things.

Also whilst doing an audio recording, I overheard one of my colleagues talk about songwriting and how its now mostly about sex etc. Songwriting involves digging into the real you inside. The you that is physically and at times subconsciously covered up by the external all pleasing you. That made me think about the songs I used to write..Whether they have been the real me or whether I haven't dug deep enough to write a song that resonates int he hearts of people...

hmm anyway thats pretty much it so far. Im sure things could sound more exciting hahaha this coming month is gonna be crazy I might burst but we shall see..

God Bless