Saturday, October 19, 2013

1 more month

Time flies. I know I've said this many times but it's true!
I have exactly 1 more month before I head back to Singapore.
And I'm heading back for good.
I know it isn't true but after this month, my life in Australia would start to seem like it was a figment of my imagination.

I knew that I would never stay in Australia for good. I knew that I would always be heading back to Singapore because there is where family and most of my friends are.
Yet on this month before departure, I do still want to reminisce the fun times I've had in Sydney.

Admittedly I'm sure I would have had a crazier time if I'd let myself go. But in my head was always gonna be the conservative, asian, introverted, overly matured me.

Like all things I do to make sense of my life, I do want to come up with a list of fun times I've had in Australia. In my next entry.

Now, I'm watching my last season of NIDA productions. The graduating productions.

We made it all the way to Year 3. :)
I dont think my grades are exceptional BUT I know I've learnt a lot!

God Bless

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