Friday, July 31, 2015

The good men suffer...

So recently, I met up with an old friend. One of my brothers in Comperes. At that moment where we knew each other, we were (in my opinion) such a close bunch of people. :) We were like a family of crazy ass people.

Then people started moving away..we were busy with our studies, work and family etc. some of us went overseas..

Now that most of us are back, meeting up with this friend was like meeting a new friend all over again...

I learnt quickly that he had his share of dark years... the kind of dark years that nobody should ever have. Yet 4 of my closest guy friends (including him) have had this same dark experience...

The girls that these 4 guys had, have in a way or another screwed these men up that they have become quiet and (whether they believe it or not) scared... and these guys are the nicest guys I've known. Mature, wise, full of fun :/

My 4 friends have become people who wont pin hopes on long lasting relationships...lost hope for love...Now, they distance themselves from love.....when they would make the best boyfriends to any lucky girl...
Why did something have to happen to the 4 nicest guys I know....
Girls, what were you thinking?!?! Why did you not treasure the 4 most amazing and stable guys?
Now you've gone and broken them... Thanks alot for nothing...
Thankfully they are mature enough to not turn 180 degrees and become playboys...

As for me, maybe one day I will find my own.....and hopefully he will be someone like any of these 4.

God Bless

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