Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We walked with God and invited Him for dinner

Let me start off with the chat I had with 1 of my students the night before.
It wasnt planned. alike most of my dinners w my students that are spur of the moment things.

I walked by the club house hungry but too late to go home and declare that i havnt eaten..hence I "jio"ed whoever was in the clubhouse who didnt mind eating w their "fierce" officer..for dinner.

Turns out only 1. A young ever-cheerful china christian boy.

Dont get your mind into crazy thoughts yah. Everything is as it is and no funny ideas.
The 2 of us walked to the mrt station enthusiastically for the sole purpose of getting to somewhere to appease our angry stomachs.

In my hands as I walked..were some stuff I printed out abt various well known pastors. All strong faithed pastors who have moved the world and yet suffer the criticism and condemnation by fellow pastors and non-christians. (tell you that in another session. Havnt finished reading them) So when he saw what I was reading, we started on the topic of God.

Bear in mind that Im so bad a christian that Im even having trouble believing that china students could be christians but in front of me was 1 of God's most treasured sons. I always believed that to show everyone how good God is, we are to be the living examples and he is 1 such person. He is always cheerful, never really bothered/stressed out by stuff and has a very good attitude. I see his love for God in him and I see God's favour & love for him.

We bought our food and ate and talked about God. About our experiences with God''s love for us.
I didnt wanna preach. In fact I wasnt. I was just saying what I felt like history, my beliefs, my thoughts. Like any other person would say to other people. Only diff is mine was full of God at that time. We exchanged ideas and when ideas differed, we talked it out and raised questions on why it differed and whether it could have been due to other reasons...nothing rocket science really.
But end of it all..when he left at his stop (yes we talked allt he way to the mrt station and on the train) We both agreed that talking about God made us so full. The fullness was different from having a hearty felt like the day was complete after talking about God. Like that was what I needed to complete a day perfectly.

As the train moved on..I still smiled to myself at this feeling. Nevermind the srtess I had in the day. Nevermind the troubles I felt brewing in my heart..nevermind the things I kept reminding myself to do the next day..the whole "to do"list floating in my head. After talking about God...I was at peace.

Sounds absurd and you might call me extreme christian... Maybe... I wont say Im extreme coz there are other more extreme things that people do for their gods. Even christians for their version of God. But for me..if I can feel His love float around me after talking about Him..Wow!
In fact I find it easier to talk to a christian about God..than to a non-christian about God.

After writing all this..I changed the title to what it is now. Brings a smile to my face. If God is omni present and if 2 or more are gathered in His name He is there, then that means as we talked, God was there. God was with us at Subway. God was with us at the train station and in the train. Wow! And I bet He wasnt hungry... I bet anything in this world that He was smiling. Looking at 2 of his children talking about Him and discussing about Him and eventually feeling His love for us. Wow!

As the bible said about Jesus when He was in hungry and set by a well while his disciples when to get Him food. Then a Samaritan woman came by to draw water from the well. They talked and Jesus told her about God, Him and Him as the Living water that no one would ever thirst again with Him. The Samaritan woman was so excited she went about the town announcing that she say Jesus and beckoning everyone to see Him. By the time Jesus disciples were back with food, Jesus was no longer hungry. He had food to eat that the disciples didnt know about.
I dont think it was material/physical food that Jesus had before the disciples came back. But the spiritual food He had when preached to the Samaritan woman. Same fullness I encountered.

I bet every pastor who believes the right way...would feel the fulness in their innermost..after a good hearty bout of preaching God's love. Wow!

So as God sat with us and watched us discuss about Him, Im absolutely sure He wasnt hungry. And Im sooo sure that Hewas filling us up at the same time. Wow!

Im feeing full now.

K well lots more to talk about but I wont be getting much internet connection these 3 days so bear with me. More to come on friday night.

God Bless

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