Friday, October 23, 2009

Busy day...

Spent the day doing ISC manual.

Ive been quite worried abt ISC these few days that I was close to tearing when i heard abt the current issues in ISC. Im trying to tell myself that alot of things cant be dealt with by other pple but the pple involved themselves...This is however causing a split in the club....
All I can do is try my best to be the glue...

The dinner I had w ISC was fun. :) Havnt seen these guys in months and really do miss them alot man. Even int eh span of 2 months...I some how see that they've grown up. :) I see how 3-4 countries can be seated at the same table and im honored to be in the midst of it. Dont know if they know what being in ISC really be..its a piece of the population that we've healed..after all the strife around hte world..prejudice, misunderstandings have made people drift apart.

At the same time..SPARC was having interviews...saw only a few but I knoe they need the people and the ones I saw were not tooo bad! :)

Met the Comperes and we had discussions on what to do with the juniors next....Im past my upset stage...more at my helpless stage......somethings cant be helped but the ones themselves...Yet I sooo wish I cud tell them how much compereing can mean to people. Me included. I guess its not fair to push these emotions on others coz they might not feel the same way...Im quite ready to give up.

And other clubs like SP String Ensemble...SP Guitarists....

All I can do at he end of the really pray to God for wisdom and cast my worries to Him and know that aside from what I can doooo...he will work int heir lives to let this work out. :)

God Bless

1 comment:

ChumzY said...

knock knock =)
Sorry for the trouble...
and... all the best!! I'll support u =)