Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Dont really want this Christmas to end...

The party is over and everyone has gone back home. Tomorrow is a working day so everyone has gone home early…

Quite frankly, I wished Christmas didn't end. Yes it's a childish thought but the family warmth felt during Christmas has been missed for 3 years that you can't really judge me for wanting more.

While the older generation sit and chat at the table, us younger uncles and aunties sit down on the living room floor, playing with the children.
We play and laugh and laugh and play. Topple, Bingo, etc Like old times.
In fact, while we were taking up living room space, amidst toys and presents, it looked like we were kids again except older and bigger. More space taken up but ever joyful.

One thing has changed..
My grandparents have passed away, no Christmas tree, not many presents and no christmas music playing…BUT… the time spent with my cousins and the kids was what kept the Christmas warmth alive.

We went down to try out my nephew, Max's new remote control car. Allan, Bryan, Ally, Max, Luke and I. While Allan flew his little plane, Bryan watched over baby Luke, Max drove his car an Ally and I played on the swings.

Then all of us sat on a 2 by 2 seater see saw that creaked upon the combined weight but still managed to excite the small ones. While the see saw moved under our weight, their little bums flew off their seats and we imagined we were galloping around the track, jumping over hurdles and racing other horses. Such heartfelt child-like laughter.

Its the laughter that keeps the older generation alive, that keeps them acting silly. And nobody is feeling embarrassed.

Ally was given an airbrush tattoo set. She gave me, Bryan, Andrew, Yvonne, her mum, Uncle Albert a tattoo each. Mine is a cat. Its not the neatest looking cat but I won't be embarrassed about it at work tomorrow. To me, that and the time I had with my family, were the best presents this year.

Personally I thank God for a wonderfully big family with a tight knitted gang of cousins who don't lose their child-like ways after so long. It is a blessing to still have all of that.

Heres wishing all of you a Christmas of love, regardless of religion.

God Bless

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