Thursday, September 16, 2010

Away from home

Being away from home has a way of making me reflect on life quite abit...

LTC trip last month was reaally good and I did learn alot about myself. I learnt how I need to leave my emotions out to better facilitate a group in debriefing. The students I got were (in my emotional opinion) on the egoistic side. While we all did have fun, I sorta felt hte students could have done better in leading...but I know very well that I could have done a better job in debriefing them too...
Got sick too..but thats a small issue lah...
I got to know Jacob alot more and yes he can be abit looney at times and that totally makes him a "normal" guy hahaha
Conclusion: lots to lern to be a proper facilitator and (I presume Jacob would agree) I dont think one would ever stop learning to be a good facilitator.
Did I also mention that I now know that listening to Gospel songs really helps me to calm down and if I ever feel like  cant sleep, that would knock me into lala land fast. Not that I dont like it...just that it clams me down...puts me at peace :) camp again and this time I have my bros and sister with me. :) In fact..this would be the 1st time Im at camp with all of them... This is a time where I know how fortunate I am to have these siblings. I do love all of them very much.
And I am very much aware of the fact that I have a helluvalot of bros & sis hahahaha All are good in their own way. :D I do feel blessed to have all of them. :)

Speaking of being blessed and being loved...whoever you are reading this, go check out this book (if you havnt already), 5 love languages. it  is a fabulously good book that makes alot of sense and shows you ways to better express your love for those whom matter to you. :) Very good book! recommended to all!

Other than that, life is okay. Am trying to apply for further studies in aussie so lets hope that will work out well. Gotta go around getting referals :/

God thank you for those around me. Yes sometimes it may seem that no matter how many frieds we have, we're still empty and lonely..but you never fail to show me that its not true.  You also never fail to show me how much you love me with the little things even.

God Bless

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