Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Class in Strine (Aka Australian) slang

So after a casual metion of the Servo, Bottle O and Sando, my 2 mentors decided to further educate me on australian...excuse me I meant Strine slang.

Why is it Strine slang? Because if you say the word Australian in the australian outback accent fast enough, you'll hear it as Strine! So Strine it is!

It was the most interesting lunchtime class I had and all this credit goes to Juz and A-Man (aka Alex)

1) Yanking your chain - Joking with you
2)Spring a leak - Pissing
3) Drop your kids at the pool - Shitting
4) Driving the Porcelain bus - Shitting
5) Taxi - ( this is yelled out when someone drops anything glass)
6) Ducks Guts / Bees Knees - When something is deemed as excellent or awesome
7) Bulldust - Lie
8) Cadsuaoop - lie
9) Stroof - Exclamation of surprise
10) Dullbludger - a person living of goverment funding
11) Drungo - Idiot
12) She'll be Apples - She'll be fine
13) Chin Wag - Light informal conversation for social occassions
23) Esky - Ice box/cooler
15) Ankle Bitters - Kids
16) Bottle O - Alchol Shop
17) Exy - Expensive
18) As useful as an ass on an elbow (self explanatory)
19) As useful as tits on a bull - (self explantory)
20) Watering Hole - Pub
21) Booze Bus - Police vehicle used to deals with drunkards
22) Barbie - Barbeque
23) Servo - Petrol Kiosk
23) Sando - Sandwich

Class Dismissed!

God Bless!

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