Monday, November 26, 2012

Secondments and such

OKay so heres whats been happening during now and my last post.. if i can remember what I wrote in the last post...

1) Finished my last Year 2 NIDA production. Was the DSM and operated the sound cues. Loved the cast and team and loved the director.

2) Started Secondments and finished my first one a South Indian Festival at Parramatta. Was fun and I loved the people I worked with. Im definitely enjoying festivals

3) Started secondment on an Opera production. Still trying to cope but at least my stage manager is a wonderful person.

4) Most probably heading to Adelaide for another festival secondment. February 2013

5) Celebrated birthday with Milk Tea

6) Sister coming to Sydney this weekend but I might be stuck at work.

7) Went for suntaning and burnt myself very badly..

8) Rachel is staying here for 3 weeks.

9) Changed new housemate

10) Climate getting warmer

Pretty much it. Still missing abit of home. Still missing some people. Especially those I can talk to.. Internet at home is down for now..No TV even...


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