Tuesday, March 29, 2016

things will only get better

the last weekend was pretty cool. Had 2 gigs with the band ad whilst we weren't at our top form sorta because I wasn't at my top form, it didn't go very well. BUT thankfully, we have people out there who liked our music. 

since being in this band, I guess I gotta admit that Ive felt the greater need to learn an instrument. Maybe I shouldn't think this way..but seeing as how everyone is trying so hard to practice their instruments, I do feel that Ive got the easier way out at times.. :/

The band truly is more talented than I am hahah especially Wandi, who is the guitarist.
That guy is a lot of things in one and its hard not to respect someone like that hahaha despite him being annoying hahaha But I am thankful for having such a talented big brother.

I guess the downside is that, I almost feel like i could never be enough help to him or the b and members because I just have not learnt how to listen like a musician. To me..it has always been more about the pitch...

Add that on to the numerous other things I think about..mostly things that I feel Im not adequate on...

I guess what Im driving at, is that I am bloody lucky to be in this band. Theres so many talented singers out there...singers who can sing and dance and do bit of audio engineering...and all I can do..is sing..and harmonise.

Of course while I do feel bad about all this and even maybe feel that Im just too untalented for this band..I know that if I give up on this, theres no turning back... and there might not even be another chance to be in another band.

Theres only 1 way out of this...learn...dont give up..and learn.

When it almost seems that nothing Im doing is good enough, I just need to get over the initial self criticism and learn. If only it took a shorter time to learn....

If only I had the time to really sit down and learn...I could earn from Wandi..but Ive learnt that Im more afraid of feeling useless in front of him than not learning. :/ Little Sister Inferiority Complex. SO no I can't learn from him...I gotta learn from others...

So while it will be slow and I while I dont know how I can go about learning these things, I guess I will keep trying..and because of that, things will only get better.

God Bless

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