Wednesday, August 27, 2008

faith battle again...

Im stuck in a situation where I feel like I cant do single thing but wait and its frustrating....

I could really kick myself for the lack of meticulousness which has caused so much problem. Im struggling so hard not to really strangle my students or even scream at them or scold them. Im trying sooo hard!

At the same time..I also feel like Peter who is looking at the waves as he tries to walk on water...or like Noah who is tumbling around in the ark and seeing the thunder and rain and possibly wondering if the rain might seep through or break the ark...maybe?

The faith battle now revolves around me trying to have faith in the Nargis issue being solved by friday but why do I keep feeling like Im fighting a losing battle and Im fighting alone?

Im not ready to admit defeat but Im trying hard to stay calm and focus on Jesus....yet in my head..a thosand voices keep telling me "what if", "you should have" and "why dont you" and "its all your fault" or "you need to push them"

Im tired....

Got a debriefing this sat...hope my frustration ends by then...if not I might say things that might hurt....if i do...I'll regret...

Jesus, give me strength to believe that my battles are won and the devil is only trying to hide the truth from my eyes...and distract me from what is already done

God Bless

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