Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Georgia, Ossetia, Russia

Okay I dont want to get into politics...I just feel that there might be more to this than just taking South Ossetis back from Georgia.

Have been listening to BBC for the past few days and its AMAZING how the BBC reporters or interviewers can hurl touchy questions at the ministers or representative of the various countries. I believe the interviewers made the ministers sweat. Not that there was visual but the way the ministers started stuttering and hesitating in their replies.Hahhaah SUPER MAJOR kick ass interview that in my equated to the interogation by a prosecutor.

Hahahaha well I think BBC has the right (on behalf of the world) to ask these people what is really happening. But they have to protect themselves..hence their questions can only be questions that might suggest or even better..paying extra attention to the answers given and finding loop holes in the answers to see if they can get a more accurate answer.
BBC Rules!!

As for whether its Georgia or Russia's fault...I dont one can justify who pulled the 1st bomb. I will only side with the citizens. After listening to the whole coverage...Im also aware at how easily an incident like this could be covered unbalanced...and cause a skewed view.

Oh well...Im glad the war is over and hope the healing begins soon. My heart felt condolences to all who lost their relatives etc

As fort he other parts of the World..As of now the countries that are under danger...China, Israel, South Ossetia, Georgia, Congo, Pakistan, Myanmar...

God Bless

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