Thursday, November 26, 2015

I guess i cant be trusted then. Coz I'm friends with the enemy

Sigh... so anyway theres been a disturbance in one of my clubs. And i've found myself caught between 2 sides. it always seems that everyone has to take sides then...

Im trying to keep the objective ground but this is getting out of hand...

The thing is...nothing is fair. nothing. There is no absoluteness because 1 side will lose.

The thing is... I feel this is a mini war...

breaks my heart... breaks my will too

I've had enough of this drama.

Part of me actually feels guilty that I'm restricting them from doing something they love because their grades are down. I actually feel guilty! BUT I'm an officer in the school! if their grades are bad, then I have that right to tell them to get out and focus on their studies!

So what pains me even more is that now I am now one of the untrustworthy people that the juniors cant speak to me... that hurts the most...

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