Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Getting there...

So I'm still recovering from the possible loss of a really good friend. Trying not to let my emotions affect our friendship because when it comes to situations like that, I tend to shy away from everyone esp that friend.
And knowing this friend of mine, he does try to find out how I am...but like me, he will give up after awhile.
And if that's so, I will lose a good friend and brother altogether...
Last I want, is to make things akward between us.

To my friend,
Dude, I gotta say that I do love you. And sometimes, more than I should let myself.
I'm sorry that I'm acting this way towards you and others.
I just need time to get my act together and I hope that out of all this, we would still stay as close friends. Because I do value your friendship very much. You are one of those who are still able to make me laugh whilst annoying me and I know that I need that in my life.


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