Sunday, April 22, 2012

Burst of laughter and freedom and revelation!

Its so easy to be engulfed by your sorrows. And believe me no sorrow is too small to make someone feel down and out. Especially being alone in Sydney, sometimes it takes its toll.
Anyway today while surfing the net, I came across something that made me heaps happier!
Its like my confusion and sadness was immediately wiped away! I dont know if it will come back to me at this point Im happy to be happier! :)
It finally hit me in the face..well not a physical thing obviously. and amazingly enough..while it did sting, it also cleared my mind! And while im not sure if this small fact or hint I found was true, Im gonna deem it as true anyway because it keeps me in the right direction. :)
Yap I know whoever reads this now is confused but at this point I dont care hahahahaha
Im gonna keep this fact in my head and use it to stir myself off from sadness and keep working at bettering my life.
Thank you God for helping me find this. I guess this is what I lost sight of hahahah and now that Ive found it, I know what to do and what to feel :)
In fact, this is the 2nd time Im doing this...come to think of it...
Last time I did that, it took some time but it worked. This time it will work too in fact easier.

I dont know how to say it but Im relieved! Im happy! I feel a load off my back! I feel like I have a renewed energy to go on again! hahahahahha

Okay enough of ranting..back to essay!

Thanks God!

God Bless!

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