Tuesday, April 28, 2009

left w 52mins

while i still have batt in my laptop..time to blog

Wanted to blog a couple of times but it wasnt an appropriate time. Blogging has now become like a stress reliever to me. Afterall, alot of people write to relieve their burdened souls...

So for the best few days Ive been trying really hard not to let stress overcome. As studies show..stress is a cause for a helluva lot of diseases. But its really not my physical health Im worried about...but my mental health. it really sucks to be stressed all the time.

Tomorrow is lunchshow...Damn...Im stressed again.

Yesterday evening watched 17 again with ISC peeps and as usual, I was a sucker for romance. Zac Efron is too young but seriously he is cute and any right aged youth would love his good looks. If I were 17 I would too. Anyway we went to Macdonalds after that and ate and chat and played silly hand games. All was silly but we had fun. least I hope the juniors enjoyed it. :)

So..come to think of it, I have nothing to say at this point ciz my life hasnt been fantastic and exciting. Day by day I fight the good fight of faith and fight to be in his resting peace.

So all jibberish...Im done.

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