Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Day came and went

Honestly, I wasnt in the Christmassy mood this it has been for a few years..that said, I do value the family gatherings :P Just dont see joy in buying presents anymore..why ah?

Is it coz I have so many friends and family that buying for all would be like buying the entire Robinsons? And whats this about buying for 1 person and feeling bad that I didnt buy for the others?  Aferall, that its the point...Christmas is most firstly about Christ being born human for us. Then comes all the thanksgiving etc because we give thanks to those around us who have loved us and whom we love. not cause we have to..but cause we want to and we can.

That said..maybe Christmas in Spore is so commercialized that theres a very little hint of the real christmas in it..hence not really worth celebrating? Hmmm

Anyway Merry Christmas! It's a time to reflect on how much you've grown in the year and all the little or big blessings that God has bestowed to you. Congrats on the little hiccups, humps, challenges and trials that you overcame this year, despite it looking like Mt Everest when you first laid your eyes on it...Congrats on your progress if you're one of those who is chasing your dream. It may have felt little but if you look sure has been a looonngg way.

Personally..Im making it a time to give thanks to God. For bringing me through to where I am and where Im gonna be. Im gonna thank him in advance for the blessings and favour He has given to me so that my studies in Sydney will be fruitful and eventful (in the right ways) Im just gonna do what Paul, Joseph, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all the other disciples did...go my way and trust in Him to guide me.

God Bless

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