Thursday, December 09, 2010


"To God,

Oh Lord, I don't know where to start to thank you Lord. Shall i start from the part where you gave me the interest to pursue it? Then you put people in my life who made that interest grow and pushed me to pursue it..and now...
Lord, they all say that I am lucky, some say Im smart...Im gonna say Im blessed. Because out of all the admin staff who get chances to further study under SP (which is very little already),  a smaller percentage of them and almost none of them get to study with full sponsorship! And that I would be in that small almost impossible no short of a MIRACLE!!!

My Lord! How can anyone not see how good you are to your children! it isnt just me Lord..I see you doing so many things for your children around me....I see their blessings bless the others who don't know you...

Lord, I believe that you have gone ahead of me to prepare my arrivial in Australia... :)
That no matter how out of water I may feel from the start..that I would assimilate and excel smoothly!

Thank you Lord! "


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