Friday, August 03, 2007

Dont have much to say...

Damn busy...very very very busy until abit immobile....How ah...

Next wed got NDOC event..Im hosting with an SB Colleague. :P Emm dont know how to handle it but I hope the evnt goes well coz just thinking of it makes me nervous...How ah?

Clifford came back for a few weeks and trained the students for awhile.. the compere juniors still need ah?

Spoke to my ex on friendster. can tell he's mellowed down through the years.or maybe mellowed down in terms of communication with me...Im fine I guess...tring t sound as happy as I can, maybe to psyche myself up and sound that Im back to my :ningadingaling" self...He's coming back for holi in ah? Hahhahaha I thank God for keeping me strong!

Going on a cruise for Poly Forum soon. Didnt get to go during my school years but Im going this time. After which, got a leadership training camp to malaysia in Sept and Comm service trip overseas in ah?

I want to study but got no ah?

Hahahah soo many HOw ahs....Praise God for his provision to clear these hows!

God bless allt he frens Ive had but havnt caught up with.bless those who are happy and those who are going through rough times...

God Bless

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