Monday, April 23, 2007

Bah Kua, Headaches, new bag, backaches, blue black

All the sentosa fun resulted in a severe headache and a very drowsy and tired me.
The last ISC cheer scream was the loudest I ever did..even my students knew that I never use a loud hailer for a cheer...
I am happy with the outing :) emm maybe very happy hahahah I guess the only thing that needs to be changed is our habit of speaking really doesnt help. But still, I was impressed by the creativity by some fot he students. :)

Went to meet my sista to intro her to a fren of mine who does freelance compereing...Never knew he'd be successful now hahaha He was my ex bf's classmate. Naturally, every common topic between all of us pops up and Pravin was one of them.

Im trying my best to help my sista coz I know its tough on her but Im soo sorry babe if I wasnt up to it on that day..I was too zonked. Not to mention the constant mention of Pravin is not good for my health. I hate to say this but much as I miss that bro of mine..and wanna catch up w him...I dont know if Im up to it... sigh...what a way to lose a bestest best bro...
By the end of the day..I was both tired and sad...Sentosa and Pravin dont go together...

So at the end of the day and beginning of yesterday...I was quite a mood again actually... as I expected on fri night... getting contacts for my sista has brought me too deep into my own history... She said sorry....feeling bad that she made me step back into a place I didnt want to go but in reality...I wanted to step back in for her. The good part about it is that it made me realie how many contacts I cud tap into when I need help... Amen...

Anyway..after yesterday's church session, I was better. Pravin will never be bigger than God and I know I have to drill that into myself. I know God will eventually give me someone who will love me as much as Pravin did but never take away my love and attention to God.

God Bless

1 comment:

Jessica Quek said...

im late! but im still here my dearest friend! :) meet up soon ya sister :)