Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bestest Best Bro

So my long lost bestest best bro came back to visit. Well things have been rough between us before we graduated and Im happy to say that Im sooo glad I can talk to him again. It isnt like before when we could chat till no end and come up w silly ideas together...but its a start and I somehow have no doubt that I could start from where we left off as friends.

As bestest best bros go, I couldnt not agree if he requested me to do anything cause he's my dearest bestest best bro..and its been such a long while since I saw him and caught up with him. I truly believe that things are alot better between us and we've put the past behind us. And yes I do love him as a brother. :)

In fact, because he specifically requested, I decided to join them for their indian clubbing hahaha Yeah it was an interesting experience but Im glad for the company :) And truth be told, while I cant dance, I do love the beats :)
By now, my bestest best bro would be in Malaysia and onroute to UK.

I'll  miss him coz I know its gonna be quite long before I see him again. And even when I come back, Im not sure if he'll be in singapore. :)

Of all this...Im soo glad that I didnt lose a friend :)

God Bless

1 comment:

Jas said...

Now you owe me a trip to an Indian club! hahaha