Friday, November 19, 2010

VCA application is getting hotter

Well..VCA aint the best but its not bad....*shrugs* I leeaaked out abit of info to the rest to give them a little heads up in case I leave. I will miss my "children" but I know I have to go and take care of my own life 1st.

Anyway met up w some of the peeps in the past few days. Bumped into Wandi at orchard too! Poor dude! Setting up the sound system at midnight in orchard..siao man!

Had such a big laugh from bugis to orchard and its seriously been a while since Ive laughed that hard hahaha thanks to YQ and peiyan.

Still thinking abt Melbourne...still thinking about how Id live there...freaks me out abit..but i realize that hte more i know about the place and how to get aaround...the better I feel about going over. Am looking forward to spending more time with my nephew but at the same time...I know that I will be on my own most of the rest of the

I know my God is with me and I love Him! :D I see my road ahead!

God Bless

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