Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I never imagined how much of a withdrawal syndrom I would get from the musical. I miss them to bits and everytime one of the casts and crew comes in, Id give them a hug!

Yesterday we had a performance at Istana and sad to say, we were not up to our mark...imagine my dissappointment....I know everyone was excited and I was overwhelmed too but ....I didnt know how much noise my cast can make! They are like small kids, overexcited! Haiz...I cant be angry with them but I cant believe the difference between an adult and them....adults know when to keep quiet....Hahahaha nonetheless, I still love them...they are like my little siblings!

Got small notes from them...what Xingfei would call, "fuzzy muzzies" and most of them just said, "Ning, you're like a big sister!" I guess all my nagging and scolding worked in a good way. I do hope they understand why I had t do it....

I have alot more to write...but thats it for now. Work time!

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