Monday, July 09, 2012


my holiday in singapore has been really good. Managed to catch up with family and farmily. SIster's wedding is this thurs and its quite a surreal feeling. Im happy for her but it also means that I can't go into her room and find her there anymore...

met up with good friends and besties although there are a small bunch of them that I do wanna catch up with but have not had the time to..or our times just clash...

on or two of these good friends I miss a lot and to not meet would be disappointing but what to do...

Then there are friends whom i do want to meet but it seems like the other person doesn't feel the same motivation or enthusiasm... which is even more disappointing ...but one can't bend their backs for everyone. ITs just not possible. And hence I painfully learn how to let go...

Ive missed Singapore...

the next 1.5years Im trying not to come home. It will take will power not to do so actually coz I do love SG a lot. Because of the people I love in it. I love the colour in this country. But I do have things I dont like here. Im reminded of these things every day I wake up. its not big enough for me to hate the place but big enough for me to feel embarrassed for my own country...sigh

Anyway... my verdict still stands...No I won't be migrating to another country...not ever

God Bless

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