Thursday, September 06, 2007

Time time time time..God why do we only have 24 hours a day?

Time is running out man! I need more time!

manamanah du du stressed...

Need a holiday.....sentosa wud be sufficient....rollerblading....emmm suntan....

Im crazy.....

Got a cruise next week but before i get there, the work to do is crazy....oh well...cant wait for Poly Forum to be over...

God Bless

1 comment:

ivy said...


happened to chance upon your blog and i remember you as one of the staff for poly forum! i was there too (from rp).. =)

just pretty amazed at the similarities we have:
- enjoy working with students and activities that involve them
- hates paperwork!
- christian
- in charge of make-up club in campus (your club president was in my sub-theme)

just dropping a note to let you know that your various entries are rather encouraging, even as i go about clearing my work after the cruise! =)
May God continue to use you in your work with the kids in school!

- ivy // rp - (