Thursday, February 22, 2007


..sigh...just a month ago, my junior and I were talking abt comperes and we came across the universal theory. The ones who are the most confident...are the ones who hav the most serious inferiority complex...

Well confessions confessions...if the whole world knew how scared I am of men....Im fine with guys or boys...just not cool about "men" Hahahahah go figure that out. maybe its something in my past that Ive forgotten... thats prob why my inner alarm goes off when they come near...

whatever it is..its often got me stumpped....

thats why much as I want to learn how to cycle or rather a girl taught what case..anything requiring physical contact with a guy/boy/ a NO...unless Im truly close w the person...whats strange is...different people make me feel different levels of comfort. no pune intended... some I can handle, some...I cant...some are just repelling...haiz..whats wrong with me ah... i walked home from work yesterday, something in me figured out something about myself...the reason why i dont like chinese coz they look dead..hahahhaha well most of them...theres nothing in their eyes... or maybe they have too small eyes that you cant damn well see a thing?!?! Hahaha I guess thats why I prefer non-chinese...coz they have bigger eyes and more beautiful eyes...esp teh shades of blue and green ones hahahha :)
Thats also wy I love armir khan hahaha and vijay :P
so its not so much the indian race that I like....

k anyway..enough chat!

God Bless!

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