Friday, February 23, 2007

russian men! rosy cheeks and muscles...bye bye sister

I think Ive adopted the "i cant be bothered with my titles" attitude and written the 1st thing that comes to mind...

Had a WHOLE bunch of russian guys come over to my campus, all from a russian ship stopping over. Guess what, they're all 17-18! Geez! Rosy cheeks, muscles, bit tall and thin and some still have the boyish in 14 yr old boyish looks.
Pity I cudnt converse in russian lingo..sigh...

Met up w one of my sistas yesterday night and as we talked...I listened and looked at her and wondered at the length of time that we've been frens and how much she's dress sense and even in thinking.... she a confident woman now... so confident she can make u bleed by scoldng if she wanted to. Hahaha even though she still holds her soft toy and tries to irritate me with it..haiz..wat extermity of sides hahahah she's grown so much and man...hahahaha have we all just gone old...

Anyway...I cant wait to meet up with my old poly frens coz Ive got loads to tell them about...the change in poly life etc esp my club mates...

Meeting another few sistas later because one of them is leaving Spore for Aussie land tom afternoon. Gonna miss her..when Im with them, Im like a small kid again, being silly and lazy hahaahha yes I wud call that the definition of a kid hahahaha

K gotta go..dont let time flow through your fingers cause its precious :)

God bless!

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