Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas went off into the sunset...

Christmas Eve sucked because of the morning work...then I met up w Helmut and Lii Kai and Ee Wen before heading home.

Went to auntie Hing's place in the evening and we sang carols and had good food for dinner! Turkey, ham, mango salad etc....Cousin & I stayed in the room after that, to sing carols..Did that cause we were bored :/ But we sang and sang...

Not much presents this year coz no mood to buy....

Then Christmas morning was okay..slacked abit...then afternoon went to Madarin Gardens to celebrate Christmas with Maternal extended family. Eveyrone was there including cousins!

We got bored afterawhile and the cousins (al, me, bryan & my sis) went down to Marine Parade to walk. We forced Allan intot he changing room t try on new shirts and had loads of fun seeing the outcome. Of course the fun of it is seeing him pick out shirts that dont suit him and are 2 sizes too small. Wahahaha

Hanging w cousins and sis proved to be the highlight for this christmas...

I cant believe my relationship w my cousins and my sis can be this close. Love them loads!

God Bless

Allan & Bryan (Left to right)

Allan & I

Bryan & I

Its around this time that I also breathe in and exclaim in the loudest possible voice, " Why have they grown up sooo quickly!!!" Something about them and their carefree nature and ready smiles, makes me love htem even more. My cousins!

God Bless once again!

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