Monday, December 24, 2007


This morning I woke up and felt the pinch of working on christmas

This year's Chrsitmas spirit isnt working....It hasnt filled me up...

Im in the office now, the christmas carols filling the office area..Josh Groban. Something abt carols makes me appreciate Jesus more and makes me wanna sing and smile....It softens the inner me who was trying to defend for the best months....

Once again I celebrate my saviour's birth...the child born of a virgin mum, brought up by a loving family and went out on his own in his young years to preach the Good News...the Good news that everyone on earth is saved from sin, from death, from hell if we just believe in Him.

My saviour Jesus Christ died for my sins..he came down from his throne to become a human and took all my sins upon himself. He who is uncontaminated..took all our sins to make himself sinful..then willingly let himself be prosecuted by the world and whipped and scorched and burnt and nailed and hung on the cross...He who knows no sin...took our sins....He who could summon the entire battalion of angels to defend his name..chose to stay mum and let his body be tortured and let his blood flow for us.

He washed away the need for all humans to keep to the 10 commandaments, just to be righteous na dgo to heaven..instead..he having risen now our advocate to God and so long as we believe in Jesus Christ...we are born again..and we are christians...

My saviour is that good...dont ask me how he could love me soo much to sacrifice himself..dont ask me how I believe He is real..I just do...cause I see Him in every good thing I do. I feel his gentle nudge for me to do things..I feel the love in me and the inner something saying, "Yes He loves you and He is alive and smiling down on you"

My righteous and patient and gracious God.

As I walked to school today..I thought once again of Raj and inside..something ached...someone said, "just cause it cant happen now...doesnt mean that it wont happen again next time.." Ive heard my heart say that many times....Today I heard the phrase again, "nothing is impossible" Kenneth E Hagin Jr...

Daddy God...I will try my best to look to wait on you...Im sorry that I havnt been able to stay focused.....God, I cast this pain unto you..because I know you know how I feel....

God Bless

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