Monday, December 24, 2007

How is ISC? Waddya Think?!?! They ROCK!

Forgot to add that at yesterday's christmas steamboat gathering, ISC made a new record of having 5 generations of presidents in one picture!! WOHOOO! Aung, Raj, Juwy, Alvin, Liting!!

AND we had a total of 7 generations in the restaurant! Aung's, Raj's, Juwy's, Alvin's, Liting's, Year 2's and Year1's! Im sooo damn proud of them!

I would dare say that in 2 years time, we'd have a 9 generation team of 60 ISC members in 1 place and we'd book the whole restaurant and celebrate!

We had gift exchange at the end and I got a present from 1 of my students, he wrapped the present with 2 layers of wrappers and the gift came in a box...specifically...campbell soup box...hmmmm Shud have taken a pic of it lah! But his actual present was a bracelet...nice native bracelet. :) I like. Thanks ah!

K enough for now...Im gearing up for lunch and family dinner tonight. Tomorrow is Christmas day! Will be back in the office on 26 Dec and that night will be our Sparc & Comperes gathering and I will end up seeing by bestest best bro. God help me w that!

God Bless

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