Monday, May 08, 2006

public enemy No.1!

Yep thats me! I hate it but I am now the SP freshie's No.1 enemy. Im the new grumpy and sarcastic officer in the SAA dept.

I cant help it man! Im just so overcome by the fact that kids nowadays are sooo dumb! I cant even find the right word to use! I mean...there is no logic left in them! They dont read signs..dont think before they talk...they are so pampered! Ive had soo many student's parents calling em up and asking me about their kid's ezlink cards and etc that it makes me wonder who's more nervous..the kid or the parents? or is the kid soo shy to even ask? There is no more need for a parent to step up to the plate to get things done faster...or better. Its time the kid took care of his own life. Besides..isnt that what a poly student has to be? Someone who knows what he/she wants...thus has to start to do things no his/her own..take charge of their own lives? or have they become so pampered that logic is replaced by parents.

I sat through my ex lecturer's 3dmax class and saw how the students nowadays tried to finish their projects..truth is..Iw as horrified when I stepped out of the class..cos they lacked even the basic knowledge of physics and mechanics...somethign they should have been well equipped with given their course. And physics and my add maths were not my strongest topics in sec sch.

See your palm! See your forehead! Put the 2 together real hard man! Put em together REAL HARD!

Ive learnt a few lessons...for the future! My son/daughter will have a simple name w a christian name BEHIND the full name. He/she will have a watch that has second and min hands and has a date column! If not, I'll train him to remember the date or each day. I'll train him/her to solver her own teh same time..never take away the closeness of the family. ie: snuggling on the bed or on the sofa, talking and crapping etc..hahaha all this i learnt from rens and students in SP. For the benefit of his/her ezlink card child will not have a name exceeding 32 chracters!

k lah enough crap. gotta go! take care!

God Bless!

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