Wednesday, May 25, 2005


K everyone, Im good. Its amazing how sleep get help you forget sorrows faster. :)
Ive made a small promise to myself to not mention my past relationship anymore...unless needed to make a point to someone.
As for today, I came across a very silly incident hahaha
Was in the lift today, trying to tune my mp3 player as well, when the door opened and a man came in. He's been living there for a long time and i usually give him a smile when i see him.
He came in, saw wat i was doing and asked, "wats that?" I was puzzled for a minute until i realized he was refering to my mp3 player. I told him that and he reacted with surprise, "it's a player! You mean you can play discs inside? How big is the disc? Is it as big as a 5 cent coin?"
Little did i realize that he thought my mp3 player was a shrunk version of a cd player or something. I imagined how a disc the size of a 5cent coin would look like. Smiling to myself hahaha I told him that it doesnt play discs, it was all just memory. He looked at me and nooded as i explained. "Wah technology these days" he ended saying. hahah he even offered a ride to work. hahah a sweet man hahaha He's a very very nice guy with grandchildren of his own. :)
So that the story of the day hahaha
BTW, i saw a creative muvo for 1GB at 400 plus and my the mp3 player i have going at 199. DAMN!!!! technology these days!!! Hahahaha

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