Saturday, June 17, 2006

Yoh yoh yoh!

Sooo whats new int eh blogger's world.....emmmm....
Before you come to conclusions that my pc is back on, its not...using my sister's yah.
yesterday's blog was quite a speedy one so what was said was probably jibberish hahaha oh well..givent eh timing and all.
Today seems to be a lazy day for me..nothing much int he BBBro's birthday party is tonight and somethings haunting me not to go. Coz i would have to go throught he whole procedure of telling dad and explaining why its gonna be sooo late. Yet...its my BBBro..he wont be in singapore from next month on and if Igo today, I'll get a chance to see everyone today. All our frens. Somesorta like a get together. Thats prob the reason I should hold on to....
The training has taken a toll on me...aching knees and aching everything. Feel like my legs could crumble under me anytime soon....but the reviews we got from yesterday's performance for teh directors and stuff, was an encouragement! :) Thanks to God.
Wonder if I'll get abs after this hahahahahahah
The musical is 3 months away...abit scary when you think about it. Gotta go for recordings next week for the musical :P
You inow..I do believe Ive said this before...but I'll say it again. When I 1st wanted to join Spore Idol...I was really worried. Fame, publicity and stuff...trimmed eye brows...make-up...
I was hesitating alot! Eventually, I still went for the idol and got kicked out. But you know what...I didnt get dissappointed to the point of crying...God brought me up and helped me get over it within the next day. The most beautiful thing....God knew I wanted to sing, that i wanted to dance and wanted to act..and He put me int he musical..He got me out of Idol because He knew that the Musical would be something I would love to work on even more. Lesser backstabbing, more fun, more teamwork. :)
The funny thing? i get to work with the same trainer as the Idols do, Babes Condez! She was one of my drives to get into Idol, I get to be on the big stage. I could be on Presidents Star Challenge (TV) which I bet with every single dollar that the Idols would be going for too. I get to sing greeat songs..original might I add! I get to put on less make-up (I play a blind girl) I get to do recordings...:) and on top of all that, I get to work with one of Singapore's most original songwriters, Jimmy.
He is someone whom I always thought would be bitchy or stuck-up, given the fame or exposure and expertise...who wouldnt? Dick has it! K before I get sued...I should just shut up abt him. Amazingly and thankfully, Jimmy doesnt have that air. He is the most patient and understanding songwriter and celebrity I know. I have sooo much respect for him....He writes songs that motivates all of us to perform our best...He organises the choir with so much ease and patience and makes us sing like angels (we were devils to start with) I can definitely say that I feel very honored and privilaged to be working with him!
So what is it that I have now? Everything I could ask for....everything I wanted minus the things I didnt want from the Idol. :) Thank you Father! I have people who support me...frens whom I can trust...and be kiddish with....I have a job that is less paying but that I enjoy alot. I have a better look at life and bigger faith.
Moral of the story? Dont be dissappointed by circumstances...coz when you look back later, you'll know why things happened. God leads you only on the right way...only the right way.
To end things off, gotta tell you about my sister and my World Cup jokes :P...
I dont know if you guys of the England players, Lampard? Well I saw his name and the first comment I gave...was "how dot he chinese uncles call him?" Then when he scores, they'll go, "Haiyah that Lum Pah Score again ah!" This joke got bth my sis and surprisingly my mum laughing till no end hahahahahahah
The 2nd joke that my sis contributed was for the gonzalez player from Argentina :) She said that Gonzalez(s) are known to run quite fast. I asked her for an example and all she could give me was.............Speedy Gonzalez? Hahahahahahahahaha
Thank God for a sister who seldom acts her age :P If she did, Id have 2 mums hahahahahhahahaha

Father, I look back and see only 1 pair of footprints, I know you've been carrying me....I know you're helping me steer and bring me back to you and I will glorify your name. :)


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