Wednesday, August 10, 2005


have a few funny events these two days hahaha

Yesterday, was craving for dark chocolate...found it and it was great! Lindt!!! Thin slices of chocolate that broke with clean crisp 'snap' owww heavenly!!!...Til I found a worm in it..... :/ I turned to my mum and said, "mum, there's a worm in the chocolate"...
She said, "just throw the worm away and eatt he chocolate" I froze! I found this cobweb like thing on one fo the slices and ....DAMN! hahahahaha suddenly the weirdest, most disgusting thing came to my mind...i turned to my mum again and asked, "how doy ou know if ur eating chocolate or worm shit?"...she said (note: this is a classic moment)," well, when the worm eats the chocolate, what comes out is chocolate shit so its ot much difference." ....!!!!!!!! I dont know whether to laugh or cry! hahahahOne, its disgusting ahhaha but two, its one of the funniest and silliest things Ive ever heard my mum say! other than that Buffy the Vampire slayer joke hahahaha

The other moment I've had int eh past 2 days, is when my sis and I watched Manhunt hahahaha WOHOOOO! Goodness! The winner's hair and body is......WWWOOOOWWWWW. And guess what, the episode we watched was the final episode! And the last photoshoot was a nude shot!!! Wohoooo! Man! The winner's hair is like ...ever cool, wavy, excellent beautiful brown! I looked at how i look at.....chocolate chip ice cream! Wahahahahahaha
His body is....copper brown...excellent beach surfer body...6-8 pack...Bloody hell!
Im just lacking a nose bleed man!! hahahahaha

K for those of you who know me, Im a very discreet person hahaha I dont always show what I feel, what I like..etc hahahah but if you really know me, you'd know that...i am like any other girl...except, i dont go all crazy and fainty and teary hahaha I just go..Wooohhhh...etc :P But like any other girl, I cant help but"admire" men w washboard abs, shoulder-length wavy hair (like they were born for modelling) Soooo..yeah hahahahaha

OKay enough of being crazy hahahaha nothing much today :P Just trying my best to make things work :)


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