Saturday, August 06, 2005

:0 after a long week

I know Ive been virtually inactive for the past week but trust me that Ive been more than in active.
Tuition...My tuition kid was good, I was forced to play games with him again (praying that it wudnt be space impact again) It turned out okay and he's really smart! The only prob with him is coz he's a kid, he likes to play and he cant sit still! :)
Had loads of work...was very stressed coz Ive got an event to organize and an event to host. I was even thinking of going back on my off do up some of the work. Evenmtually, I brought the work back and worked at it. Slept at..around 3 i think.
Had Aikido class as well! my 1st class! Learnt to rock, back roll, forward roll, simple stuff..but it still ached like crazy!
One of the rare days of being able to wake up late :P Took half day for a sch event. :P Now, going back to sch is like a luxury! its like going home! It was the national day ceremony in school and the director of Corp Comms asked that I host for them. I know its bad that I took a day off....but this was probably one of the things that Id give anything to do! Hosting! And I got a chance to host with Clement Chow! For those of you who dont know him, he's a singer and a songwriter for one of Spore's evergreen national day songs. He's got a great voice and I only wish I cud match up to him! :(
we had jap students come to perform so Clement and I got the whole crowd to say ," Ohiyo" to them. After the show, we made them say, "Arrigato" It was something I hoped the jap students would appreciate. They're singing was very interesting! I even spoke tot he choir master after that hahah using my limited knowledge of jap lang, I cud only say a few words, " Konichiwa, arrigato, sigoye!"
While singing the national days songs, I tried my best to get everyone to stand and wave their flags and sing. They did! They sang and waved! Esp att he chorus! Clement and I sang as well ...our best! I ran from corner to corner to get them to sing!
Halfway through the songs, the soundsystem got cut off. Everyone went, "woohhhh" But I was shocked for a minute...but the magical part of it is...we still continued singing! Was it clement who said to carry on? or was it just hearing them singing, that made me think, " the sound system dying isnt gonna stop us from singing!"
I started to be on a high! I can from side to side, trying to get them to continue singing! I even wanted one of the performing groups to play their drums! :)Byt he end of the event...I was sweating all over! My hair was in a mess! Yet..I felt sooo good! I felt like this would have beent he most enthusiastic NDOC Ive ever seen!

I went to the reception after that and got a chance to see all the directors again! :) My fav Dr Dave Cheong, my SB director....etc :) even the director who gave me this chance! Spoke to Mdm Halimah Yacob. Told her about our comperes club and she was pleased to know that there is such a thing in schools! Seeing her face to face for the second time...I know she doesnt recognize me but its okay. :) it just made it esier for me..coz I was comfortable! Saw my principal and stuff and much as many of them shook my hand and said Iw as good, I really dont know...We talked abt that surprise soundsystem malfunction hahaha one of the directors jokingly asked if it was all planned hahaha
We joked about how my director was at a corner discussing w mediacorp abt hiring me hahaha and one fo them asked if i had gone for any interviews. I said, "not really" He replied, " well, you just had ur interview hahah with that sound system malfunction" Well. ier ally dont know if I passed! hahahaha

Hope so hehehe. come to think of it, I dont think I did very well for this event.....I was like an over-excited monkey! Funny how all my aches and pains from Aikido dissappeared when I was hosting. heheheheheh

This was the 1st time I ever felt soo old! I was aching ALL OVER! Thighs, arms, the entire shoulderblade, the waist, mid-section. Sitting down is literally like slowly putting down a ton of bricks I cant even get up w/o cringing! My boss is in pain too hehehehe. Even mroe paint han me! hahaha

Getting very very stressed and tense.... got loads to finish today..had a briefing int he evening and much as I tried my best to proof-read my doc for the briefing..I still did alot of small mistakes. Like allocating the wrong duty to the wrong printing out the schedule which was wrong...not to mention..not being able to give them all the info one shot... :(

Thats only tip of the iceberg :) for the whole week that is.

To all my frens, hope you're doing well. Keep smiling yah. i'll try my best too.

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