Sunday, April 23, 2006

God's day

Today was tough. For the past week, Ive been riddled witht he same questions..apparently Satan has taken a liking to my soul....he's been plaguing my mind sia. Every belief I have in God, is being twisted around like a pretzel and it makes me soo lost at times. You know how teh road seems so blur? sigh

The sermon did some good. It was about wisdom. God's wisdom...a gift we get when we believe in Jesus. And I know that God is trying to tell me that what I need is wisdom. I need God's wisdom. Again Satan tries to twist my thoughts and ask me how much I know about God and how sure I am that what Im thinking is God's word instead of his. I do know that whatever is the case..the deal made with God is still there and by my setting of t he rules, God will answer them. Whether its a yay or nay, I will accept as it is and never again question. I will never because I know that God will speak to me.

Its quite sad really...Ive been thinking about so much that has happened and asked myself and God whether somethings that happened to me was a blessing or a trial in disguise...Was my ex meant as a gift...or a trial that God ahs given me to make me who I am today. For as it is now, I am a stronger person, someone who treasures my loved ones more...and i am closer to God. Had it not been for this trial, I wud still be very far away from God. So I should be thankful. I do know that. But was my ex ever a blessing to me? Was he emant to last? God will answer this.

As I walked out of my building today, my mind showed the word "Children's Ministry" I know my church has been asking for people to join the Children's Ministry and for no reason at all, those 2 words showed up in my head as i was walking out of the lift. I literally walked back to see if any words were written on the see if I had actually read something off the wall..coz I felt as if Id read it. But something tells me that its the Holy Spirit prompting me....I had doubts but I cleared tham coz I knew that it is God's will and Satan is the one who plants doubts in my head. So I guess I'll be joining the ministry soon hahahaha

Another thing Im to get myself baptised? Ive always wondered how important being baptised is....but if the Bible does talk about baptism and Jesus did it too...then I know that it has to be important...

You must be wondering why Ive become such an avid believer..truth is..Im faith is nothing compared to others..I waver like a sail against the wind. But I can not deny everything God has done for me. Alot of thigns have happened that can not be explained. I dont believe in coincidence because believing in coincidence isnt any better than believing in God and His power!you have not seen coincidence..nor have any of us seen God. But at least God is evidently alive before my time. Historical and architectural facts show. I hate to say this as well but besides other Gods out there...which one makes more sense to believe? Are we really in debted or under control by animal gods? Is there really reincarnation? What if there isnt? What if you die an realize that there isnt...would you be willing to take the chance? Or would you believe in God and trust that through Him you will have enter heaven after that you can be assured of a somethign after death? I dont know....all i know is that since I was born...I was taught that God was the one to all of us and our Gods.

I was sitting in church today and I rememebered how Iw as involved in the opening of Marine Cove. incidently, it was the part of East Coast that New Creation Church owned or managed. I helped with the media invites under my sister's fren's company, Meltdown. It made me realize that the reason why I was there to help witht eh event...was because God had a plan for me to be in this church. Since those days, He had already made a way for me to eventually come to New Creation. Before my ex, before meeting one of my bros and before coming to this church. He had things all planned! Everythingelse was part of the stop and go signs or detour and turn left/right sings to lead me to church! I never knew my Pastor was there on that day but apparently...he was. And other people whom I found very familiar as I sit through services...they were all there! God planned for all this to happen and Im too astounded..because allt he thigns that happened before I came to this church...the times I was low in faith..the times I was upset..the times I was unfaithful to Him..He actually knew and factored all of that never worried Him that I would slip! It worried Satan that I would go back to church..coz Satan knew. But God was cool as an ice-cube! How amazing! All the times I even gave up or refused God (in a way)...for certain things....God knew! God let me! Why? because He knew and He had another route for me to follow! So how can I be sad or upset by anythign that happens to me when I know that whichever way I go, He is there! He can mend roads to help me back to Him?!?! Which other God does that? Which other God helps you to save yourself? Which other God carries you when your in thick soup? Which other God can bend His own Rules and sacrifice His own flesh and blood for a world of unworthy people just so they can all go to heaven? How much love does He have?

these are my thoughts know me...
Anyway..I pray for all of you..that god keeps you all safe. That he looks down on you and makes sure your path is smooth...that your families are safe.

God Bless

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