Monday, April 17, 2006

long night and long day...

It doesnt help that Im staying at my aunt's place coz it makes me feel so lazy..I dont feel like doing anything and I just end up slumping around int he room. But its because of this, I cried last night.
Its the promise I made to God. The promise wil be held strong and I believe God will give me the answer. I know I have doubts...allt he what if's and maybe's but I know that I can not doubt od and that no matter how impossible things seem, He will make things happen. Not that I want a yes. but it means that whatever result I get by the end of this week, I will honor. I will hold true to my word. :)

The Lord is my shepherd.....He maketh me lie in green pastures. I will lie in rest and assurance that God's word is true an that He will show me the way.

My friend said that I wasnt looking to good when I told him about it today...but to be honest....much as I do think about it..I find it easy to say that God will lead. I am fine! I'm not crying anymore. In fact the tears I shed last night were quickly taken away by reading the Bible...coz I know that Jesus as the shepherd, saviour and brother is trustworthy. I know that the next few days will be hard for me coz time and time again, my "old" self will come out and say that Im foolish and silly and a scardycat..and everything....but you know how In Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail...He comes across an obtacle that required him to cross from one side oft he valley to another..without a brige or rope...just air. And the truth was that the bridge can ony be obtained if you believe ...a walk of faith I guess. Like how Simon Peter walked ont he sea towards God and only fell when He thought aboutt he impossiblity of walking on water..he started to fall.

Ive seen God work many things in my life...coincidences are never coincidences...

I know Im getting to religious to alot of my frens and I doesnt make me love you guys any fact its coz of God that I love you even more. :)

K Im gonna go sleep. work tomorrow ...I love you guys and miss you guys soooo much... I pray that God keeps you strong in your trials and tests, keep you smiling and peaceful and waare of all the blessings you have around you.


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