Monday, January 15, 2007

God, my dear God.

My God is an Awesome God. How do I explain to people of how safe I feel and how much this God has done for me, without me sounding crazy? :/ Nonetheless, I praise Him. I praise Jesus for all His sacrifice!

Made a resolution to save money and be a good officer and to take the Holy Communion more often. Its not a ritual..its a meal with God and of God.

Sat through my compere junior's event yesterday and how proud I am to see them do their 1st event. Somehow I felt that I cud have been more lenient but I felt I had to teach him. So I did advise him. The way I see it...I starting to worry that comperes standard is dropping...what happen to all that magic we had? Father, bless this club! My loyalty now, lies with both ISC and comperes. If I cud only be the same big sis I was in comperes..I wud have scolded them to wake them comperes..........

I know that I had alot of thoughts to say before I blogged but they've all run away! Hahahaha

You know...after a real good read and church and all, today, I came to the office feeling light..feeling happy! Like I am really at peace! Theres no sense of being stressed...

Anyway..this has been one boring entry Im sure...on better days, Im not tahaning my shit and pee and im not lethargic...on better days I will be talking abt more constructive things I manage to catch before I forget them...on better days, I wud have pics.

So I love you all, God Bless you! For all those whom Ive forgotten birthdays... doesnt mean I dont love you...just means I dont remember your birthdays. Heheheh no truly I love you and I'll tell you guys more next time so that you dont say I MIA hahahah coz it wud be U who MIA from my blog! Wahahahahah Crap crap crap!

God Bless!

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