Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Day!

Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday To Me

Had a nice indian food dinner w 2 close frens yesterday nite (naan and stuff)
Got a CAMERA from them
Had a thousand sms from all of em, wishing me..I think only 1 of them said, Happy 24th Birthday. Damnit! You know who u r ah brother!
Got a long distance sms from my BBBro (Means a Bloody Big Deal) Which I replied and edited and edited to fit all i wanted to say in that sms. Didnt expect a reply but just needed him to know that I really appreciated it. Cud have been 12am his time when smsed it...And times like these, I really dont give two hoots abt what it costs to send a long distance sms back.:)
Got a long distance call from a bro's mum to wish me too

Now im in the office, stiffling a running nose that cud prove fatal. :/

Love to all the people who know me. I havnt been the best of a fren...havnt kept in contact, havnt wished alot of people happy birthday....my fault, my bad..my everything lah. Forgive yes?

Maybe its not soo much being happy abt it being my birthday...but being thankful that everyone whoc ares for me, loves me for who I am...Its not so much abt celebrating my birthday..but being able to spend time w everyone who cares for me..being able to say thank you?

Thanks all once again. God Bless everyone I know...and keep all of u safe and sound and happy and healthy.



Zac said...

Happy Birthday BOSS!

Anonymous said...

haha...cant believe only me sms that line..