Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ahhh Wat the hell was I thinking!

So i finally succumbed to the many small voices...the single loud voice (ie: conscience) was defeated and at 4pm I found myself walking tot eh SP Idol 2 registration line. I spent 5 grueling hours there..just waiting for my registration...heaven knows why they even made us register online as well then but what can I say?

So byt he time I got tot he registration table, I couldnt do my audition..Im forced to go back tom afternoon.WAT! I did get my wish to do auditions on another day but I still had to queue like everyonelse! had i known that the queue would shorten around 7, Id wait till then to queue. In fact...come to think of it, I was a dumb as to not wait till later to queue and kill the time beofre by walking around orchard etc... it would be more entertaining... Now Im bloody tired and I just wanna zonk out! To me, the waiting was a test of will power and patience...It was also an excellent deterence method. Anyone who got fed-up of queueing cud just go off! I know I was asking myself the same question over nad over, "what am I doing here?"

My sis was supportive to offer a delivery of dinner and stuff. She asked how my queuing was and whether I had shelter and water not having any supporters with me, made her care and concern for me more valuable...more than how they usually are to start. In fact she was the one I complained to most today. At 8pm when she smsed me top ask if I was done, I told her that I was far from started hahah which is no lesser fromt he truth. I had 100 people or more in front of me....just waiting for the registration. had Id known, Id come at 7.45pm and the queue would be a whole lot shorter. I know I wudnt get to audition ont he same day but at least I wasted less time...haiz...

Byt eh time I got off the waiting line, I had dinner. I bought a 1.5l bottle of water and downed it within 30mins. how much water did I have today? 1.5l to be exact.

I have loads more to talk abt for the radio workshpo which was smashing!!! and att he end of that, it made me feel more motivated to be a dj! The recording we did became like an addiction. Iw anted to do mroe of it :P like comperes...
I was soo in awe of people like Jeremy Ratnam and Maggie and Mario and Joe Augustin! I admire them to no end! Iadmire how they can do it all so smoothly..It amazes me and I wish ic ud work with them..somethign I want to do next time! dead tired..Im gonna lseep. take care


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