Saturday, February 25, 2006

God's ways

Fpr teh past week, Ive been tested and tried. Not very strenuously...I do believe that if God wanted to, He could deal me a much harsher set of cards if He wanted to..but He didnt. As it is, the cards that He's given me have been trying in itself...Cant dwell too much on that really...but today...I had the hardest card thrown at me.

After basketball, I lost my wallet. I knew exactly where I dropped it but it wasnt there. This implied that someone found it and took it...The fact that my ic, POSB card etc ws in it...My bro being super resourceful, helped to ask the shops around..if they found anything. We spent 1 and half hours running in circles...But the amazing part of all this...was a hunch that my bro. he had this really deep hunch on this certain guy. He appeared in front of him a few times and my bro has this urge to want to stand there and wait for this guy to appear again. I quote, "I have a sneaking suspicion about this guy...dont know why but lets go back there one last time". ONE LAST TIME did we go. That one last time was what worked. As we got nearer to the scene, this same guy called out to us to ask if we were looking for a wallet. You should ahve seent eh smile on my face man!
But heres the jist of the story....My bro's hunch and my trial of faith. Before you say that this is a coincidence or luck...let me correct you. There is no such thing as coincidence or luck. Everything is God-given. This wallet losing incident was one of them times that God wanted me to learn something. I must admit that the lesson I should learn isn't very clear to me now...I sort of think that God had a reason to keep me in school...for what reason...Im not too sure. Maybe He wanted me to freeze my POSB accnt? But you know what? As I realized that I had lost my wallet...I tried to pray to God that He could return it to me. The important part about to believe it as well. Believe that it will happen as you pray and He will deliver. That was what I tried to do. And it just dawned on me that maybe that was what God wanetd me to learn. He wanted to train me to pray with faith...If so, thank you God for this trial and if it needs be that You have others in store for me...God I accept it.

To be honest. this isnt the 1st time in the last 2 weeks that I lost my wallet. In fact, last sat, I lost my wallet as a cinema. I got it back in the end but...both instances were not because of my misplacing it or forgetting to take it. I laughed soo hard during the film that it dropped. This time, it slipped off my pouch. Both of them happened in the afternoon. So it isnt is not's God trying to teach me, train me or convey a message to me...

I knew I had to blog this..because it has to be told....that empty faithless prayers dont work. prayers aer also not wish lists. When God gives you a hunch, trust Him and work with it.

Maybe..just maybe...He wanted me to blog this...he wanted me to witness for him. So this is my testimony of God to you. God will never fail you...He has His reasons for what He does..all of which are for your own good. But if you believe in the fulfillment of your prayer..He will give. God never lies..He sticks to his promise and if he said that He would give you what you want if you ask Him with faith and through Jesus's name...He WILL DO IT!

Love you all! Please take care and I'll catch up with you guys soon. :)


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