Sunday, September 11, 2005


You know..I honestly have nothing to say! Just writing for the sake of writing! Maybe I'll make up something on the way.

Have you felt like u wanted to do something but u didnt know what? Not that you forgot...just feel like theres a hidden purpose or mission you have yet to accomplish...

I went out today...missing church...thin king i had a list of things to do...only to find out that every one of these thigns...seem to be ...empty...just when im about to go ahead n do it. I wanted to ehad down to Little India for look at some bangles etc...n i got o the train...I kept asking myself...why? So i changed my mind! Went down to SPGG...with the intention of paying my bill...turns out..that was the only thing that i cud use to force myself to walk allt he way there. Thank goodness SP was open. Least I cud cut through. For the next 2-3 hours, i sat at SPGG, byt he pool, reading n watching kids n parents play. Ideas of what to do next time i come here...although I dont know if Id be able to persuade anyone to follow me... :( It wud suck to be hanging there alone. day was a wreck! An aimless day! Had no intention of spending too much money so no purchases were made...except for lunch. Didnt even ahve the mood to head down to Sentosa beach or Esplanade! Not even when I love the water soo much!!!

How can one lose their energy so fast? I ersigned to my fate, went home n slept till dinner.... oh well...

I noe all this is boring n ud probably have more fun stuff to do. :) ANyway if ur still reading this, thanks.

Where theres a will, theres a way
someday you'll see a brighter day
just hold on tight to those you love
and look toward the sky above
you'll see the cloud lined silver rim
you'll see the rainbow smiles in rain
you'll hear the wind blow through the trees
like flutes in natures melodies
to top it off, just turn around
look to the one ur hands have bound
the one who makes ur heart explode
who'll share ur sorrows in the cold
then you'll has been good.



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