Sunday, March 12, 2006

God's day...

K God speed and I got there around time. Notice that I didnt say on time...

Todays speech revolved around one thing...the riches we have. As humans, we have a tendency to be unsatisfied witht he things we have. We keep asking for more. Fame, prosperity etc...The pastor wanted us to know that God is a god who loves us and would never short change us in blessings. he would giev as many to us as possible...but heres the catch...He doesnt want us to be controlled by our posessions. So many people are controlled by their riches and goods and love and many many things..that...they lose sight of whats most important...God.

In fact the greatest riches have already been given to us. That is Jesus. God's prized posession has been sacrificed for us...He gave his only son! We shouldnt be blinded by the earthly posessions and forget that the real riches is right here, in our hearts! In fact so many of us still pray to God and Jesus TO get richer etc.

The pastor stresses that its not wrong to have riches and etc...its just wrong to let them control us. In my get controlled by anything on idolatry. even if its your own spouse. Not to say that you shouldnt find someoen to love, get married and start a family fact, God would love to see you happy...just that He doesnt want you to lose sight of Him. Because only by believeing in Jesus Christ....would you gain a way to heaven.

On a personal note, I spoke to a friend few nights back and He shared with me on His love to his ex girlfriend. His comments were touching...something I never thought Id ever see in a guy... I never thought a guy could love someone so deeply that he'd wait for her for sooo many years...It wamrs my heart and gives new hope to the words, "true love" In fact, I pray for him and this girl to be together God's grace. I defintiely believe that God has heard my prayer and is now slowly bringing them back together. Like I said...Im rooting for you bro! I really am! Never underestimate the power of prayer! But aside fromt hat, i did tell him abit about my story. I told him about how I too love a person..someone whom might cost me as many years to forget...or not at all. My bro said that I'd never know if things will turn for the better...
But you know what? At that point of time..what can I say but that I knew it wouldnt be that easy. God took me a way from this relationship for His of which...was to prevent me from straying away from Him. He knew that te deeper I got into this relationship, the worse my faith would be. It being my first..the heart took more control and it took more power subduing it. So I know that God does not plan to see me with my ex for now...unless I can conquer my own faith...
So I know why God has given me this hard path to walk...and I even appreciate His plan...though it is painful and sad at times...I still believe Him. Ive changed so much since my last relationship and all of it has been for the better. God gave me a new drive for life, a new sense of hope, a new level of confidence and renewed strength. Im soo thankful for his trials!

So out of all this, count your blessings, and dont stop yourself from asking for blessings...BUT never lose sight of God. Never lose sight of Jesus. Never lose sight of the Holy Spirit. Cause They are most important.

By personal experience, the times where I get the thigns Ive longed always when I never think about it or expect it to come. God waits till the right time before giving you His blessings because He wants you to realize His power and His love yet, He doesnt want you to take Him as a wishing well.

Bro, I have absolute faith that god will answer my prayers for you. You too must ahve faith that He is int eh midst of making your wish come true.

As for me, I dont want to pray for the return of my ex because I want to ask for God's will to be done..and not mine. I will wait till God gives and I know that He only has the best for me. God will show me the way and will show me what to do.


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