Monday, October 10, 2005

Oh how I miss thee!!!


Oh How I miss thee
you beautiful shade of blue
You big with no sleeves
you holely and grand
with the number 23
silver edged on your behind
ohhh how I miss thee
Thee MJ Wizards Jersey

Let me venture back into JB
and bring thee back with me
To treasure and hold
and wear thee if thou would allowest me to wear thee
Oh I miss thee!
Thee MJ Jersey in JB

This is how crazy I am now. Just had a meeting and realize how much work I need to do...just thinking abt it can be very daunting. :/ I can truly say that I ma entirely impressed w my boss. :) Impressed and in awe...

Work is okay and the week will hopefully get better. Just need to night to think through all my work. :)


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