Saturday, November 26, 2005

cont from pervious entry...sorrie

K so heres the explanation to my injure..forgive me for being carried away w my godmas n pas...

I went to see my godma and as we were walking back to the mrt, I fell..slippery slippers (irony)..I fell on my right side n thus my right butt cheek is sore. (stop laughing)

Then we continued walking...but as I went downt he steps, I fell AGAIN! This time, My tail bone was almost injured n I cud have ended up paralysed...but I didnt...I lended okay but coz it was on the steps, when I leaned back as I fell, my spine hit the higher I literally had the edge of the step...jammed into my spine...pretty cool huh (k bad joke) Soo yeah..thats why my back is painful now...theres no blue black but its just painful..I can feel a small swollen bit but its too small to feel like an obstruction if I sleep on my back tonight. As Sensei instructed and prewarned w a living example of his own( his toe) Ive got an ice pack on my back as I speak..emm i mean..type... The only reason why i feel it hurting coz its blistered..the step had scrapped a small piece of my surface skin off... if was my aikido pants n my rolling that did the trick... :) Other than which..I am fine n dandy... CHEERS! ..Aside fromt he small raw allergies I have between my fingers. *peace sign*

So heres a dandy day right here. rain or no rain...slippery slippers n all! Love you guys! Stay strong n I promise to meet up w u!


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