Monday, November 28, 2005

wats this?!?!

Just checked my email n theres a tuition assignment...I got a shock when I read it coz the parent is looking for 2hrs,twice a week for eng, chinese, maths n science! All 4! Its crazy!
Not only is the tuition teacher gonna be sooo stressed out, but the kid is gonna be sooo tortured that he'll prob hate sch! How can u get tuition for all subjects!!! n not to menton for such a short time per week?!?!?! I truly pity the poor child...

Sorta leads me to wonder what the parents are doing. I believe that they wud be snart enuff to teacht hem least for eng or chinese..unless they are uneducated. But...what i fear is that the parents are highly educated and yet....are too busy w their work to contriute time to teach their own kids. I know my mum taught me english n science when i was in pri sch. my aunt n tuition teacher taught me chinese n my other aunt taught my cousins n I maths.
Soo I guess you can sayt hat i did get tuition for every subject ..sigh...but it wasnt cramped into twice a week for 2hrs each. ABSURD!


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