Sunday, July 10, 2005

the attack of the phantom writer...

back! Reason why i stopped just now was because the PC was statring to write on its own. its my auntie's pc actually...tad bit freaky but its all over now. NO the PC is not possessed! it took quite a while to figure out whatw as wrong hehehe
We tot it was a virus at 1st..coz it was writing illogical I know.I knew...he is a in 97 need to see..... etc So we flushed out all the viruses detected and killed em.
Then, we still had the phantom writing! so we searched the web to find out what others forum
Read abit and realized that it could be the microphone.
Apparently, my auntie's mic was on and so it recorded whatever we said. Because the mic is so poor, it cant decipher our words clearly....sot he words that come out, dont make sense even though they are porper words.
We tried it out and its right. It was the mic! The case is solved and theres no Hantu (however u spell it) int he PC. :P
k the day is close to over. I can feel my bed calling to me.
You all take care..really. Look forward to meeting up. :P

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