Saturday, June 18, 2005


Im happy today!!! :P Spoke to my boss and she was glad I was mixing well w the rest. it seems that the rest of her colleagues dont take to newcomers very likely. Not that they are bad pple lah...just cautious. IM glad she said that and felt that way...coz I honestly, was trying to come out of my antisocial shell! I felt like every time I went out w them, I had to try to keep up w their conversations. Everytime I felt a negative reaction, I tried to tell myself that things arent what they seem. At least now, I feel better.
I admire my boss....she's different from the bosses ive had...they are all charismatic byt he way..but in their own ways :) Shawn was a gangster boss who was vulgarly vulgar but still showed care n concern for his employees :P He'd tease you n stuff but thats reall how he is! he made me want to work my hardest for him. :) Shan...hahah she's just a ball of fun! So informal and honest, yet sooo professional! hahaha I can just think of her and start laughing. Of course when she's working , she can be serious n look sooo stern! As for my boss now, she's seen the world. she's very very very smart and observant n intuitive! She seems to have my whole character padded down! Which sorta freaks me out abit because I know I have loads of flaws and Im really trying my best to get rid of em n not let her see em! She's more subdued..compared to Shan hahah Shan is just punk rock! this past that age hahaha Shawn...he's just hahahaha beng hahahaha I really hope none of em read this n become offended hahahahaha
I have no doubt that all of em have seen my charcter...They know me inside they have radars or something...makes me wish I had em..coz I honestly...even now...dont know myself. I just feel like no matter what explanation I have abt my behaviour...its a mask or excuse for whatever it really is that I feel! Like Im a hypocrite...I think I am.
oh my boss also has a way w analogies! hahaha I rememebr how when I was young, Id love that chinese local drama " Dong Li Huo Che" w Chen Han Wei inside as a teacher. I used to be sooo impressed with how he explained things to his students...things on he used simple objects like s penknife or fish..etc to explain life lessons! I used to tell myself that if I were to be a teacher, Id do the same thing! My boss does just that! :) Like the dirty bowl thing...hahaha
Anyway, Im happy abt today! :) I want to do better!!!
K time for bed! :) Sweet dreams to all of you too!


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