Thursday, June 23, 2005


Today isnt a busy day..but a tiring day. The 1st time I went out w my dept for an event..a seminar. Was doing the sound system and I was sooo scared I'd screw up..:( I guess I did...but I tried my best... :( Int eh end, i sorta felt like Iw as causing more trouble than good. :( Also got a chance to toucha violin n play it. :D thinking of taking up violin..abit hehehehe it is tough actually...coz violin isnt like the guitar where the frets are all mapped out on the fret board for you. :(
K the topic for today....communication...
I spoke to a fren today...He's a very nice guy, jokes n stuff...but...(heres the prob) I feel like I have chemistry ( as in frens chemistry) yet..I feel like I dont. How do I explain this......there are alot of pple whom Id be ever glad to talk to. Pple whom I feel I can tell my life to...pple whom I feel I can share my deepest feelings with. For others, I just tell tham what I feel coz I have to..or maybe those whom I dont like to talk to at all. For those whom I feel I can share my real feelings with, there are many..but yet Some of them...Its just hard for me to start! For this guy, I like him as a person, I feel like I can joke with him. I'd love to meet up with him! But...when I do meet up with him, its like we have nothing worth talking abt. But no matter how often that happens, I still feel like I wanna meet up with him next time. no matter how akward the previous meeting was.
Im even contemplating to tell him abt thwta I just wrote. it really seems like I cud treat him as a real pal or bro....yet when we get together, its like....we dont talk. we just...stone! he's got a different perspective in life...he looks at the 4 corners of a room in a different light than me...its ilke looking at a glass with water filled to the middle and wanting to fill the empty space with other drinks he has..experimenting..while I just fill it w the same drink or drinkt he half filled glass. But all in all, he's a very nice guy! ver y funny...very mature n toned down.....yet almost like a kid at times..witht he sheepish grin....
I admit...I do find him...interesting...a little fond of him...but I know that Id be fond of any nice guy these days...not to mention nice, gd-lking and tall indian guys....yeah...I admit... but just coz I have that feeling, doesnt mean I acttively act upon would be rash of me. Just frens.
likewise for other pple whom I have alot of respect for, and feel like communicating w them not only on a higher n lower status level..but as a fren... I wish.
K gonna go. Have to sleep..very very sleepy!


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